In the past weeks I have become the squirrel, racing to gather enough nuts for a long, cold winter. The key difference being I am racing to prepare for a great summer.

No wild, trans-continental train trips this summer, but we will be in the Pacific Northwest (BC and Alaska) for a big family reunion, and then back in Berlin from mid-July. The flight is booked. July we’ll be in Prenzlauer Berg. August is still a bit unclear; a bit of time in Thüringen, then probably a few weeks in Potsdam. Let me know if you need us to house sit, or if you just want to meet up generally while I’m in Berlin.

In other news:

  • Date of next geomobBCN is set for 2nd of October. Huge thanks for my friends at CoWorkIdea who lend us their venue, it wouldn’t otherwise be possible. If you need co-working space in Barcelona please check them out.

  • Next week I’m off to Germany for a few days for a wedding, will be my first ever visit to Münster.

  • The visit is timely because … we are moving OpenCage to Germany, specifically to Münster.

  • By coincidence a few days after the new OpenCage GmbH was registered I attended my first NeDeNa meetup here in BCN. I don’t really think of myself as a “Nachwuchskraft”, but was still good fun. My thanks to the organizers and hosts.